Wow its been an absolute eternity since I wrote a blog. I really should get back into it as I’ve got so much to say and so little time! I’m hoping all that is about to change though as after the long old trawl of covid I finally acted on some life long dreams.
Sometimes it takes something bad to make you do something good. Or maybe I just had too much time to think, who knows. What I do know is that after loosing all my work in the pandemic I decided to kick a**e.
In my previous blog I showed you the new cupcake bouquets I had taught myself to make and how I planned to start filming and show you all how……. well, welcome to the Rachelles Cake School.

I have to say if it were not for covid I just wouldn’t be doing this a I would never have found the time to teach myself a new skill that was so involved. I was always too busy creating towers of wedding cake. Having taught students from all over the world via another forum in the past, I decided it was time to do it for myself.

This is a selection of flowers from my advanced set of flower tutorials. Did you know that all of these flowers are piped from buttercream? Yes buttercream! Just normal American buttercream. You put it in a bag with a special piping tip and off you go. Well actually its not quite as easy as that, but that’s where I come in.
I got my lovely cameraman Tim on the case and he comes along and films it all beautifully, nice and close so you can see exactly what I’m doing. And then it all gets edited so you can follow along at home and learn step by step how to pipe these wonderful blooms. I tell you everything you need to know with the odd joke thrown in. And you get my tried and tested recipes so you cant go wrong.
Did you also know that every flower is piped onto a cupcake. Just a little soft spongy delicious vanilla cupcake.
Once they are all piped up I pop them into a fabulous bouquet and people think they are real flowers.

It could be a new hobby or even a little business sideline, people really really love them.
Now whilst I was getting carried away with teaching my self this lovely new thing over lockdown, I also decided that it was about time I made another little dream come true.
I have longed to escape to the country for a very very very long time, especially since I had my son. I didn’t want to raise him in London, but to give him the childhood I remember from when I was raised in Wales. But I have also been utterly terrified to leave everything I know, and all of the work connections, business relationships and clients I had built up over the years in the city.
But as I sat in my garden during the amazing peacefulness of lockdown (which despite the mild feeling of pandemic terror I relished) I decided that yes, life can be short, and that I couldn’t keep wishing I was living a life somewhere else every day. As they say, stop trying to escape the life you don’t want, spend time and energy creating and nurturing the one you do want to live.

I single handedly packed up our whole house, put the cat in a basket and left for a place where I knew no one!
What was the worst that could happen? We live off the land and grow our own veg or I send my son out to wash cars 🙂
So here we are 3 weeks in, to a life in the Dorset countryside. My online tutorials have given me a lifeline of work that I can do anywhere and its a job that I love. In the most random and strange way I feel like we have come home. And that no matter how long it took to get here, this house has always just been waiting for us.
I have huge plans to build a studio, hold live group classes and teach this beautiful craft as well as many other lovely cakey things. And I will continue to make Wedding cakes as and when I can rebuild my connections and find clients and stunning venues in this gorgeous county.

If you’d like to learn this wonderful craft then drop me a message, come for a class or try out one of my tutorials. Failing that just order some cakes and gobble them all up. And if you have already dived in and purchased a class from me already, you have helped me make this happen and your support of my business and new venture has been overwhelming. You have given me the confidence to forge forward with the dreams.
We are now fully rooted in Dorset and it feels like we have been here forever. You can find the cake school and classes tab on my website. Or just click here

If you are hesitating about doing something just grab the bull by the horns and go for it. Oh gosh I procrastinated…. ALOT…I chewed my fingers ALOT, but I got there in the end. And like I said sometimes it takes something bad to make something good happen.
I’m going to sign off now.
Back soon with more tales of cakes and country….maybe the next instalment can be all about our Easter chicken run installation. Now that will be fun. We named the chickens months ago and we havn’t even bought them yet!
PS. my son thought Kentucky was a good choice. I said NO.
Rachel x
Good luck in Dorset, Rachel! It’s wonderful to see you’ve made the transition so well to the West Country. It’s very inspiring! I’ve recommended your website and blog to my 13 year old niece who is a bit of an artist and is always baking. She wants to own her own cake shop one day. Do you have an age recommendation for your online classes?
Hi mahmuda, if she is creative and confident there is no reason why she cant follow my classes. They are very clear. Maybe start her off with a small beginners trio of cakes and see how she goes. Rachel x
Such a lovely and inspirational story and best wishes for your new adventures in Dorset.
I had a tutorial one week before you left London and I had the best lesson. I’m now practising almost every week and have nearly got the hang of those roses! I love this new skill that you taught me – thanks you – I might have to book another class in Dorset ! x
How lovely to read about such positive and brave decisions, I know you and how long you have craved this life. Enjoy every minute….summer is coming and soon you will see what your garden has secreted underneath, more inspiration for your cakes, I have no doubt. Wishing you the happiest life – you have made that first, giant leap and I am so proud of you. By the way, I think Ken is a brilliant name for your rooster (if you get one!) and Chucky Tucky is another good name. Can’t wait to meet them.
It was lovely and inspirational to read your blog
Thankyou x
Love everything about you. Few of us have the courage to follow our dreams. I like Kentucky. There must be a story there.
Awwww Jan that’s so kind thankyou! Think we will wait and see what the chickens look like first… we also had a savannah and a rocket 🙂 xx
So proud of you, my inspirational friend xx
Aww you are pretty inspirational too you know x
Hi Rachel, I just bought one of your tutorials, the rose trio, and I am so happy! I have become obsessed with this art, I mean – obsessed! I’m just starting and have many other pulls on my time. But, I keep carving out a small amount of time to progress a little every day, and my business will emerge soon. I have seen many videos over the last few weeks, but yours has nailed it and I’m thrilled I’ve found you – it resonates. I love your style, your calm approach, and your beautiful creations. Well done for making the big move, I did the same to Bristol years ago. Now, after bouncing round the world, I live in the Caribbean and my challenge is droopy hot buttercream. I will be watching many more of your tutorials, and plan to do an in-person one in lovely Dorset when I can. Thank you.
Hi! Well thats just so lovely thankyou. It can become a true obsession. Just look at me 🙂 So glad you have enjoyed the classes tere is much more to come. Rachel x PS. Join the facebook support group if you need extra help! Link at the bottom of your purchase email.
You blog is inspiring Rachel. Have a wonderful day🌷
☀️You blog is inspiring Rachel. Have a wonderful day🌷
Hi Rachel,
What an inspiration you are! I told myself 2 years ago I’d learn to do this over the summer, but then my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed 8 months later. It’s a little over a year now she’s been gone and I’m just now getting back around to do the things I want and feel like. I’ve neglected so much in the way of grief; my husband, child, self, house, etc. But then I caught your beautiful cupcakes on FB one day and I became obsessed with watching piping reels! You’re amazing! And I said to myself,”I still want to learn to do that!”
Now I’m constantly watching piping tutorials. I’ve been an artisan bread maker for 8 years, and have made the occasional homemade cakes for friends and family. But this is on another level. It’s a level I want to achieve.
Thank you for sharing your story. I plan on purchasing your tutorials soon. Best of luck! ❤️
Thank you for your kind comments. i’m so happy to be an inspiration to you. I wish you all the best and well done for battling the big C, piping can be a beautiful theraputic outlet. keep going xxx